Alice Left Wonderland - projekt który trzeba zobaczyć!
×Article: Wystawa „Discovering Wonderland”
The art of Alicja Domańska is born out of a free painter’s gesture which derives its strength from the artist’s vitality and energy. Paradoxically, her paintings, usually large-sized canvases, correspond to the artist’s small gure. Her large formats, often diptychs and triptychs, remain however in proportion to her height and physical range of her arm, extended by a brush. Her work demonstrates a kind of artistic ergonomy. We can say that she actually lls out entire elds of her canvases with herself, her energy and physical presence. Boguslaw Deptula
Abstrakcyjne płótna, bliskie nurtowi taszyzmu, konsekwentnie uciekają od jednoznacznej definicji, wywodząc w pole tych interpretatorów, którzy chcieliby się w nich doszukać łatwych symboli czy alegorii. Podejmują intelektualną grę z odbiorcą, zmuszając do uruchomienia imaginacji i skupienia, czyli tych cech, które we współczesnym świecie należą do deficytu. Tym, którzy pozwolą się uwieść sztuce, otwierają portal prowadzący do wyobraźni artystki, a przede wszystkim jej emocjonalności, która naznaczona jest gwałtownymi – niczym sztorm na Bałtyku – ruchami pędzla.
Najnowszy cykl obrazów nosi nazwę „Talizmany” i wypływa z przekonania artystki o tym, że wszystko, co nas otacza, jest energią. Obrazy pełnią rolę nie tyle dekoracyjną, co stanowią estetyczne amulety, które wpływają na nas na podobieństwo mantry. Stanowią portal, w którym spotykają się materia i duchowość, otwierając drzwi prowadzące w głąb podświadomości. Zapraszają do odbycia intelektualnej podróży, której istotą będzie poszerzanie granic własnej imaginacji. Rafał Stanowski
Alicja Domańska is an extraordinary character in the Polish artistic scene. In her art, she boldly draws from varied traditions and trends such as American action painting or European tachisme. I am convinced that the energy in Alicja's painting moves not only me, but also those who encounter her works in person. To all those who have an opportunity to see Domańska's works, I wish an excellent artistic experience, and to the author I wish that she constantly develops her passion, since she has an enormous talent. Wojciech Fibak
This is the triumph of life. World vast planes of vibrant color strings to the sources of Dante's circles towards Helicon. Flesh and blood, courageous, intuitive turbulent, pragmatically harmonized intimacy. Between expression and linearity lurking oneiric circle. Women's sensitivity meets men's roughness. This is the painting on the border of concepts and ideas. This elusive space is most attractive, because we feel every movement in a gentle brush of paint and canvas Impasto, the world under the eyelids glued together with insightful words and warm tears. This is the triumph of painting. Passionate and true. dr Piotr Welk Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
The full of force expression, the artist forces the viewer to cooperation with the painting and to think, not only see the picture, but also experienced it prof. Henryk Cześnik Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk
The abstract expressionism of Alicja Domanska seems to be like sleepy fantasies we would like to keep in mind. When we wake up already fly away. Alicja paint them and praise her for it. Czesław Czapliński Photographer, journalist and documentary filmmaker
Works of the artist can be describe by words of Turkish Nobel Prize winner Orhan Pamuk: 'The world I want to be a part of, the world of my dreams'. Zbigniew Buski Director of PGS Gallery
Domańska’s insubordinate style, and more specifically her almost exclusive reliance on the colour black, give her a unique place in the Polish Art scene. Her works echo a sense of the French master painter - Pierre Soulages, consistently dedicating her works to the colour black with accents of light sometimes with accents in a strong stroke of red or gold – leading the viewer to her light. Domańska manages with her bold strong charismatic strokes of black paint to swallow up light achieving a particular sense of depth. With the strong contrasting light in her works she succeeds in drawing the observer into the picture, inducing him to make a close and precise examination of the work by holding his gaze.
Like many painters, Alicja Domańska is fascinated by the phenomenon of light. She seeks obsessively for ways of letting light operate in the colour black. Works in which black is accompanied by a second colour such as red or gold remain the exception. Her individual style, characterized by strong bold lines is an important organizing principle in her technique to concentrate the attention of her audience and leave them with a sense of awe. Adriaan Van den Berg Director of Van den Berg Art Gallery